Thursday, August 29, 2013

I think I'm mad!!!

Ive signed up to jump out of a perfect good plane, with a man strapped to my back!!! Yes, I'm doing a parachute jump, in less than two weeks *gulp*

I haven't got a problem flying, really like it, wanted to be a pilot when I was younger and after saving up lots of money I even started to learn to fly a plane. My fear is coming from that bit where you're about to jump out of the plane. The door is wide open, you look out and miles below you is the ground and all thats going to get you there safely is a big piece of material, thats not even strapped to you but the guy your jumping with who's attached to your back! 

I think the worst bit is going to be actually leaving the plane, every bone in my body will be telling me that this is the wrong thing to do - jumping out of a perfectly good plane into nothingness. Once thats done, theres not much more I can do but hope the parachute opens and we land safely. 

Everyone tells me its the best experience ever and I'm likely to be hooked on it. Hmmmm, I'll get back to you on that one.

I'm doing the jump with the British Heart Foundation, who Im a bit supporter of. You don't have to jump out of a plane to help support them fight heart disease - which more women die of now than breast cancer - you can get involved in the Bag-a-thon, which is basically a brilliant reason to have an end of summer clear out of stuff you don't want and give it in to your local British Heart Foundation shop. Check out all the details here

On the actual day I'll be tweeting lots about it @the_realroberto If youve done one already, get in touch and tell me what it was like

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Anyone for breakfast at 10?

Margherita Taylor and myself are covering the breakfast show on Heart in London whist Jamie and Emma are on holiday, LOADS of fun working with the brilliant Margherita…however not so much fun with the alarm clock going off at 4am! 

I love my bed and it loves me! Sometimes, the bed finds it really hard to let me go and tries to keep me all snug and cozy for as long as possible. It hasn't made me late, yet, but I'm sure that if it could, it would keep me tucked up all day!!! ;-)

Total respect to Jamie and Emma, and everyone else who gets up in the middle of the night for work! How you do it everyday is beyond me, you legends, I feel like a zombie come midday. How Margherita manages to look so awesome at silly o'clock in the morning, and stay that way during the day, I do not know.

If we could start the breakfast show at 10am maybe, that'd be much better - I think that'd be my kinda breakfast show! Maybe we should all start our working day later….light bulb moment! Imagine the working day starting at 10am, or later! You could finish work by 7pm, or something, then head out for a drink with friends, a chill out session at home or whatever you fancy, no need to rush around to get to bed early as you haven't got to be up till later…..thinking I need to go and get some sleep myself now before I lose the plot completely. 



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