Welcome to the new blog! The website has been revamped - check it out if you've not seen it yet www.robertoradioandtv.com and with it is this nice new blog!
Its been a crazy busy few weeks, to be honest! LOVING the new show on Heart, 7pm - 10pm its Ring Roberto - I get to do what I love most; chatting to you, having fun and playing the big tunes you want to hear - come check it out and say hi http://www.heart.co.uk/on-air/roberto/ So, thats my evenings taken care of, but what about the days, thats where it gets silly busy….I sometimes think I go to work for a break, haha!!
As well as working with the web team to get the new site finished and sorted, Ive been working on an app to help people lose weight, the weight loss book, voiceovers, cracking on with TV….and then theres the pup! I never imagined, in my worst nightmares, how much time a new pup would take up! Call me naive, if you want, but didn't think it would be like this - don't get me wrong, luv her to bits, but WOW - puppies are hard work! If she's not trying to destroy the rug, she's nibbling the edge of the airer or barking at the doorbell(she always thinks its for her - even funnier when the doorbell goes on the TV, she gets proper confused) or trying to jump up onto my lap to get some attention. If this is what having kids is like, I'm gonna stick with the dog for a few years!! She is proper cute though, lil pic for you, this was her getting comfy in our bed the other week, she knows she shouldn't be in there, but snuck in!
The pup has inspired me to write a series of kids books based on her adventures, she has lots of fun…another idea to add to the list.
The weight loss app is coming along nicely, its based on how I keep fit now after losing all that weight. Hoping to have it out by the summer, check back soon and I'll keep you posted.
The book is coming along, rather more slowly than I had hoped - life and work seems to get in the way! Ive done a few different drafts now, but I'm the kind of person who likes to sit down and finish one job in one sitting. I can come back to things, but I prefer to nail it there and then, or at least work on that one thing over few days to complete it rather than juggling lots of different things. It will be finished soon, I'm going to clear some space in the diary and just nail it!
Think thats enough, for now! Got a busy few days on the way, girlfriends birthday - lots of stuff to plan for that, along with good friends wedding…plus of course, working on all the above! Will write again soon x
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