Wednesday, October 9, 2013

September, where did it go?!

September was a silly busy month, for both work and play, lots of fun though!

The big thing was my skydive, A-MAZ-ING!! Didn't think I'd enjoy it as much as I did, but I am now thinking about doing a solo jump - yes, where you don't have someone strapped to your back pulling the chord, you have to remember to pull the chord yourself!!!

Roberto Heart FM Skydive for the British Heart Foundation

If you've never done a sky dive, its simply and unbelievable feeling. It is a little scary at first, especially when you're dangling over the edge of an airplane thats flying at 10,000ft and all you can see below you is white fluffy clouds and a little bit of ground, miles away!

When doing a tandem jump, you have no control over when you leave the plane, the guy strapped to your back does all of that. So if you're nervous or anything, you don't get a choice in when you're ready, you just GO! I wasn't nervous, the adrenaline was pumping, and when I looked over the edge of the plane I just wanted to do it. 

Roberto seconds away from jumping out of the plane

As you launch of the plane, you go into free fall - there is nothing stopping you from falling, its just the ground hurtling towards you…..and that was the BEST bit, if you ask me. Just that feeling of freedom was amazing, the wind rushing past your face, the view, not that you got to take much of it in because you're going so fast - I think my instructor said we'd be travelling at upto 100mph in free fall! 

Roberto in free fall

Whilst in free fall, we went through a cloud, which I found really weird. I wasn't sure quite what to expect, but as we got closer to the cloud it started to get cold - bearing in mind we were above the cloud and there was blue sky and sunshine everywhere, it was hot, but the closer we got to the cloud, the colder it got. Then you start going through the cloud, its like being in really, REALLY thick fog and freezing! It seemed to go on for ages, and you just can't see a thing whilst going through it, so a little bit un-nerving.

When we came out of the cloud, the instructor pulled the parachute, thats the point the pain kicks in, especially if you're a boy and you haven't got the straps in the right places - if you get my drift!! As the parachute is opened you got from about 100mph to 10 mph in a matter of seconds - its a crazy feeling….and the point that I felt a little sick.

Once the chute was opened though, its so tranquil as you head towards the ground. I did my jump in Oxfordshire, and as you head to the ground I had the most beautiful views of the countryside, you could see for miles and miles.

Eventually, you're on the ground, the first thing I wanted to do, was go up again!! I did my jump to support the British Heart Foundation. I did lots of stuff for them in September, actually, my fav charity. I voiced lots of adverts for their Great British Bag-a-thon, just heard that we SMASHED last years target, so thank you for all your help. Went around helping launch the bag-a-thon too, and did some filming for them.

Work wise, loving all your calls on Ring Roberto, come get involved Sun - Thur, 7pm - 10pm. Although this week, 7th - 11th Oct, I'm covering Drive on Londons Heart whilst JK and Lucy are away.

The weight loss app is coming along really nicely, hoping to launch in the next month, will keep you posted. Find out more about the weight loss here.

If you've got any questions about getting into radio or anything, drop me a line here. Always happy to help.

Speak soon


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